Sunday, May 11, 2008

Week 4 - Tasks 8 & 9

I've posted about 6 feeds on my new blogline account. Two of these are library related blogs.

In the beginning I thought I would be putting the feeds in my blog. But I didn't see anything about that in this task. I've just created the account and added a selection of feeds. Is this right??

By the way, have you heard this one .... "Computers are like air conditioners. They work fine until you start opening up windows".


linda said...

You can make your "blogroll" public if you want to. The steps are:
1.Left panel - click "options"
2.Right panel - click "blog settings"
3.Under show my blogroll, click "yes"
4.Note your Username
5.Plug your username into this link:
6.Paste the link into your blog
Heres mine:

Michelle McLean said...

You can also create a blog roll on your blog, which appears in the sidebar - its just another type of widget. We use it on our library blogs - Invisible Ink and Quicksand.

Bird Dog said...

I'm going round in circles trying to create a blog roll.

Can you please advise.
